Saturday, October 20, 2012

The five states of Texas

According to a native Texas friend, this is pretty accurate, so here you go...

I now live in the panhandle. Why do I live here? Well, why not. Three paths diverged in a narrow wood, and I... I took the one that some professional Funk wrestlers have traveled by. Indeed, check wikipedia on Amarillo. I don't know exactly why Texas appeals to me on so many levels, and at the end of day 3 of living here I would say that all of my opinions are still infantile.  On the surface, it looks fairly similar to the Rez. Greener, but still brown. Pretty flat? Yes. The nicest difference? Fat horses and fat cows. The worst similarity? Way too many homeless dogs and cats. Way too many. But then again that is the world, right Tessha? Every good vet out there should certainly be out snatching gonads left and right as fast as they possibly can to slow down that sadness. But despite all of that I just returned from my first canine midwifing experience and enjoyed it immensely. One little (I mean big) Shih tzu pup needed a ventral midline entry into the world tonight and I got to do the fun part as I won't be licensed in this state until I'm 65. Okay I'm exaggerating. As my 4th state of seeking licensing  in, however, I can definitely say that Texas wins the number of hoops one must jump through.

I'm going to hit some hay pretty soon, but I'll put down some of my earliest thoughts about Texas for posterity:

  • In Texas, you do not just do something. You must be fixin' to do it first.
  • After you have done something, you done did it. 
  • Not all words in sentences you are used to saying are necessary.
  • The Angus cows are about the size of hippos out here. 
  • I've seen more Shar Pei's in one week than I saw in a year elsewhere. 
  • I like the way they talk. I already know that a squeeze chute is the same as a squaze chute.
  • If you stove up your back that's bad. It has nothing to do with stoves. 
  • Taco hats are in. Cowboy boots are tall.
  • People are tall.
  • Petco is also an oil company.
  • People are nice, it already feels like home.
  • Yes ma'am.
I'm fixin' to go to sleep.